50% Off Cha'alt

I'm going on vacation in a bit, and my birthday is coming up (November 25th)... so, why not give a little to get a little?

Slashing prices while thrusting deep into the bowels of magenta slimed terrors from beyond time and space.  Who wouldn't want to adventure in a mutant wasteland of alien weirdness and ultra-telluric monstrosities?

Yes, my eldritch, gonzo, science-fantasy, post-apocalyptic campaign setting + megadungeon Cha'alt is only $10, now through 11/25!!!

Or, if you prefer to buy the hardcover and get the PDF for free... that's also a wise choice.

If I don't get back to you right away, it's because I'm on vacation.

Cha'alt is 218 pages of O5R sandbox lollipop-flavored doom and irreverent exploitation gloom.  You'll love it, especially The Black Pyramid.  ;)

This just in - Grim Jim Desborough just uploaded a review of Cha'alt.  I haven't watched it yet, but will later this afternoon.  Here it is...

Let him know you enjoyed his video with a like, comment, and subscription!


p.s. Please leave a review and talk about Cha'alt on social media if you want to keep seeing more from Kort'thalis Publishing.

Monthly Progress Report For My Twitch Channel, FuzzyJCats, Nov 25 Through Dec 24

Twitch Channel FuzzyJCats

During this month of streaming, I continued to work on improving the usual chatting and gaming at the same time, and not using filler words, though I noticed I constantly slip into using a lot of filler words as they help to fill dead air.

I was also trying to find out how we can tell if we're entertaining. Certainly watching your VoDs help you notice if you're articulate or not, if you move around too much such that you're off the facecam, but I still can't tell if my streams are entertaining.

However, I started having an inkling as to what's entertaining to viewers this month. Since the entertainment is in real-time, and people are chatting, like with everything, people find you very interesting if you ask about them and talk about their issues. This is try-hard but cbenni.com can let you review your logs so you can remember what your viewers say, so when they show up the next time, you can ask them about that specific thing. 

For instance, if they mention that they're starting a new job, you can ask them how work is coming along, if they like their new boss, coworkers, and so on and so forth.

So another try-hard method is after each stream, I have been more or less writing these topics to talk about when the viewer shows up next.

Again, this is very try-hard, but it can help not only make your chat more entertaining for specific viewers, but with these topics on hand, it will help reduce dead air.

Aside from the usual goal of chat and gaming ratio, working on dead air, and removing filler words while streaming, improvements to be made is to be more aware of my viewers so I can ask them about issues next stream. 

The How of Happiness Review

PUBG VS FORTNITE! Which One Is Better?

PUBG VS FORTNITE has been a trending topic nowadays. To find out the winner click the 'Read more' option.

pubg vs fortnite which one is better

PUBG and FORTNITE both are online shooter games. Many arguments are arising among players choosing the better game among both.  So here we created a difference between them. We hope you enjoy it : 


         In PUBG there is a high variety of weapons and items(including clothes etc.) available in PUBG crates.  For each ammo type of a weapon class, you just have to cross your fingers that your gun has a decent scope.

         In Fortnite, the weapons are very different and much more accessible than that of PUBG. Fortnite has a color indicated rarity system in their guns as grey, green, blue, purple, a
nd orange standing for common, uncommon, rare, epic and legendary respectively. 

           Combining both we can say that if you are new to shooters then Fortnite game might be the better one to try first.

pubg vs fortnite which one is better
PUBG vs Fortnite guns


                         These two games have totally different graphical style. Fortnite is better looking and more animated while Player Unknown's Battleground looks more realistic. Also, the color in Fortnite is more vivid and clear than its counterpart. Fortnite might look more appealing but who wins out in the war of Fortnite and PUBG graphics stakes really depend on personal judgement.


pubg vs fortnite which one is better
Pubg vs fortnite graphics

pubg vs fortnite which one is better
Pubg vs fortnite graphics

 3.MAPS :

                                 The maps in PUBG are more in number in Fortnite. And players in PUBG need to use vehicles to move through the islands. Fortnite has also decided to expand and improve its existing map. Fortnite's developers have said that more maps will be added to the game in the future. But for now, we can arrive at the decision that maps of PUBG are better than that of Fortnite.


pubg vs fortnite which one is better
Pubg vs fortnite map


PUBG can be enjoyed in the following platforms-
          Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, Android, iOS & PlayStation

Whereas Fortnite can be played in-
           Windows, macOS, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, iOS & Android.

pubg vs fortnite which one is better
Pubg vs fortnite platforms

N.B - The above data has been taken from WIKIPEDIA.

(PUBG, Fortnite)

It is a time-wasting topic to decide which game is better. Some like PUBG whereas some like Fortnite. We should stop arguing and enjoy both games.

Well, it is my opinion. If your opinion is different or you agree with my opinion please let me know in the comments section below.

Battle Of Quinto 1937 - Scenario

It was time to get one of my favourite collections out of the box and onto the table, the Spanish Civil War is one of the most interesting and complex of modern conflicts, it is without doubt one of the more popular here at Yarkshire Gamer.

Republican Air Raid on the town
The problem I do find is obtaining good large size scenarios, with SCW being a small period in terms of numbers of players there is limited support for gaming the era. There is a scenario book from Iron Ivan and the Crossfire Scenarios on the wonderful Steve's Balagan website. But these tend to be on a smaller scale than the ones I am looking for (12 x 6 table and buckets of figures). So with little literature avaliable in English other than broad stroke histories, it take quite a bit of work to come up with a game idea and then work it through to a playable scenario.

Carlist Command guarding the Church
Historical Background 

The Battle of Quinto occurred between 24th and 26th August 1937 and was part of the larger Republican Offensive refered to today as the Battle of Belchite. It is probably recognised mostly in the English speaking world as British and American Infantry from the International Brigades were involved in the assault on the town.

I was able to locate a PDF of a study of the Battle via a request for help on TMP http://theminiaturespage.com/boards/msg.mv?id=472371

Nationalist Anti Tank Gun arrives on the table

The above map (randomly found on the internet so apologies no credit) gives a really good over view of the Battlefield, in fact if you look at the town today on Google Earth you can make out the main features detailed above.

My plan was to recreate the main features of the map on a 12 x 6 table and approximate the Republican Attack using the figures at our disposal.

Table Set Up

The photo above show the table from the rear left of the Nationalist position, you can see the train line that runs through the town with the train station nearest the camera, the hill in front of the station is representative of the Purburel, the smaller hill behind it the Las Eras.

A view straight down the table, Republican forces attack left to right, the Nationalist positions are along the line of the Purburel across Las Eras and then into the town, Cemetery and Church. Areas of scrub are random, wooded areas are estimates.

The far end of the table, looking across the Cemetery into the Nationalist area and the main built up area of Qunito.

The Cemetery was one of the main features on the Battlefield, I can only assume that it is the same structure that exists today, it's a big walled area and would have made a strong defensive position. The pieces of the Cemetery were purchased from 4ground and came ready painted, some lovely detail on the grave stones, apologies they don't do Spanish inscriptions.


Event Cards and Cash
We use our own modified version of Disposable Hero's, a set of rules from Iron Ivan, they have just gone into a second edition but we are happy with our own version so will be sticking with them. I was first draw to the set as they had a scenario book and a Spanish Civil War supplement both of which are excellent in terms of both providing information about the conflict and adding addition period flavour to the basic rules.

Hispano Suiza Armoured Car
The core rules are great, very easy to grasp and give good results however we preferred our own activation system using Card based unit activation. To add more colour I added random event cards (examples above) and then finally I added a cash based reinforcement and ammunition system which uses some old Spanish Currency I bought off the internet.

Nationalist Forces

Nationalist Aircraft with top secret Pilot Invisibility Cloak 
The town of Quinto is initially lightly held with only two units of Infantry, clever use of reinforcements will be needed to defeat the Republican Attack. A simple task, hold the town.

Carlist Company 1 HQ Section of 4 figures inc Standard Bearer and 3 Platoons each with 8 figures including 1 Sgt all armed with Rifles.

Falange Company organised as above.

The Carlists set up in the Cemetery and town whilst the Falange set up on the Las Eras / Purburel line.

A Carlist Platoon holding the Cemetery
Below is a list of the troop type stats, if you don't play DH, 4 is an Average Shoot / Fight value whilst the Morale figures are higher number, better.

                   Shoot         Fight   Morale Private    NCO   Officer
Falange          4                4                   5                    6           8
Carlist            4                 5                  5                    7            9
Civil Guard   5                 4                  6                    8           10
Military         5                 4                  5                    7            9

Nationalist Reinforcements 

I developed a "cash" based reinforcement system for our games. Each player rolls a certain number of d10 (Scenario dependent) per turn, a roll of 6 - 10 gains the player 10 Pesetas to spend on new additions.

For this game the Nationalist Forces have two players, each recieves 8d10 in the first turn and then 3d10 turn 2, 4d10 turn 3, 3d10 turn 4, then 4d10 etc

The only restriction on purchasing is that if you start to buy a Company you have to buy all of it (including Command before starting to purchase a new Company, other weapons and tanks can be bought at any time including mid Company.

Nationalist Infantry at Quinto Station
Avaliable units are:

2 Companies of Carlist Infantry organised as above, platoon and command are 20 Pesetas each (80 for a company).
1 Company of Civil Guard organised as above, platoon and command are 30 Pesetas each.
3 Companies of Nationalist Infantry organised as above but with 1 LMG per Platoon at 25 Pesetas per Platoon.

Panzer I
Also avaliable are the following,

Ammunition at 10 Pesetas for 5 rounds or 5 Pesetas for 1d4 rounds
1 Dynamitaero with unlimited ammo 20 Pesetas
1 Truck 20 Pesetas
Light Mortar and crew (2inch) 35 Pesetas
HMG and crew 40 Pesetas
Heavy Mortar (81mm) and Crew 50 Pesetas
Armoured Car or Anti Tank Gun 55 Pesetas
75mm Field Gun and crew or Light Tank 60 Pesetas

Our commanders are limited to those figures avaliable in the box, some of which are generic for both sides and are bought on a first come first served basis.

All purchases have their move card added to the game deck at the point of purchase and arrive on table on the first turn of their card.

Republican Hispano Suiza Armoured Car
Republican Forces

This battle is mostly known outside Spain as both the American and British Battalions of the International Brigades (amongst others) took part in the attack and therefore is mentioned in English Language texts on the period.

The Republican objective is simple, capture the town and get a move on doing it before the Nationalist Forces build up.

Republican Forces advance under heavy fire
To begin the game the Republicans begin with 1 Company of Assaltos and 2 Companies of International Brigades each supported by a T 26 Tank, the three columns enter the table on turn 1, the first opposite the Purburel, the second opposite Las Eras and the third opposite the Cemetery.

The troop stats for the Republicans are,

                                            Shoot      Fight  Morale Private NCO Officer
International Brigades       5              4                         6          8        10
Assaltos                                  5              5                         6          8        10
Poum Militia                         3              3                         4          6         7

Republican Reinforcements 

For this game the Republicans have 3 players, each player rolls 8d10 at the start of the game and 4d10 per turn during the game, generating money to spend on reinforcements as described in the Nationalist section above.

3 Companies of International Brigades at 20 Pesetas per Platoon
3 Companies of Assaltos at 25 Pesetas per Platoon
8 Companies of POUM Militia at 15 Pesetas per Platoon

A burning T26 not a good sign for the Republican Attack 

Also avaliable are the following,

Ammunition at 10 Pesetas for 5 rounds or 5 Pesetas for 1d4 rounds
1 Dynamitaero with unlimited ammo 20 Pesetas
1 Truck 20 Pesetas
Light Mortar and crew (2inch) 35 Pesetas
HMG and crew 45 Pesetas
Heavy Mortar (81mm) and Crew 50 Pesetas
Armoured Car or Anti Tank Gun 55 Pesetas
75mm Field Gun and crew or Light Tank 60 Pesetas
T26 Tank 70 Pesetas

Again the above is limited to what is avaliable at the time in the YG collection.

So there we have the set up for the game, I will be back shortly with an AAR.

My Presentation For DIGRA 2018 - Playing With A Brand: The Brazilian McDonald's Paper Tray Case

I want to share my expanded abstract for DIGRA conference 2018. I'll be in Turin in the next week for the event. =)

• • •

Playing with a brand: the Brazilian McDonald's paper tray case

McDonald's, board game, Facebook bot, paper tray, marketing

Taking communication, marketing and entertainment as leading and intertwining landmarks of contemporary culture, this paper discusses an advertising piece from Brazilian McDonald's restaurants, which uses a gaming interface to cast a branding message to its consumers. Acknowledging the prominence of digital networks in today's mediapolis (Silverstone 2006), where mass self communication (Castells 2009) poses new challenges to understanding current modes of sociability and consumption, our focus will be directed to one promotional board game presented in the paper used to protect the food tray in McDonald's Brazilian restaurants. Created by the Brazilian advertising agency DPZ&T and launched in October 2017, the game uses a "race to the end" mechanic and could be played from one to four players using a Facebook bot.

Figure 1: McDonald's promotional paper tray using a board game with a Facebook bot interaction.

To play the game, one player must scan the special code using the app "Facebook Messenger" in their smartphone. The code starts a special bot that sends quizzes, enigmas, and trivia questions about McDonald's to the players. Each correct answer allows players to advance their pawn in the trail. The player who wins the race receives one special chance to earn a prize (pack of French fries, ice cream etc.) from McDonald's.

In the first part of the presentation, following the thoughts of Fullerton et al. (2008 15-16), we analyze the game design process for a promotional game. Based on information provided by the agency, we discuss the conceptual stage and the necessity to align gameplay with the marketing message; we also discuss how a prototype is created in this case, and how the beta test sessions occurred. In the end, we present technical information about how the final version is implemented with the interface between the board game (in the paper tray) and the Facebook bot (in the smartphone).

In the second part of the presentation, we highlight the strategic use of entertainment languages by companies in their marketing campaigns in the contemporary scenario, and how social media and mobile devices contribute to accelerate the process in this ecosystem. Following the idea that the quotidian is filled with playgrounds (Bogost 2016) where we can access entertainment anytime/anywhere, we discuss how companies like McDonald's are managing these aspects to promote brand and sell products.

In conclusion, we present data and results from the McDonald's paper tray board game. Since the game uses a digital interface, it is possible to collect data from the players, geo-locating information and inserting questions about the brand to test how players know about the company. We discuss how these data collected can be used in future campaigns or new promotional actions using games.

BIO: Vicente Martin Mastrocola, PhD. works as a graduation level teacher at ESPM São Paulo (Brazil); Vicente also works as a game designer, developing games for mobile platforms and analogical board games/card games. In the first semester of 2016, he studied at Paneurópska vysoká škola (Paneuropean University) in Bratislava (Slovakia) as part of his doctorate research.


Adams, E.; Rollings, A. (2009). Fundamentals of game design. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Bogost, I. (2016). Play anything: the pleasure of limits, the uses of boredom, & the secret of games. New York: Basic Books.
Bogost, I. (2010). Persuasive Games: The Expressive Power of Videogames. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Castells, M. (2009). Communication Power. Oxford: Oxford Press.
Fullerton, T., et al. (2008). Game design workshop: a playcentric approach to creating innovative games. Burlington: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Silverstone, R. (2006). Media and Morality: on the rise of the mediapolis. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.


Battle Of Edgehill 1642 - The Action

This is the second post on our recent refight of the Battle of Edgehill, the first, last week covered the set up for the game, orbats, rules etc with a video run through of the table set up, if you missed it, click the link below,


I will let the pictures tell most of the story, apologies for the number of pics but I think it explains things better than paragraph after paragraph of prose.

The Battle plan of both sides was pretty much the same as the actual battle, the Royalist would launch both wings of Cavalry forward at their opposing Parliamentary wings (after engaging the Dragoons on the Roundhead flanks with similar troops), send the infantry forward and try and break into the rebel lines in the hope that Rupert and the boys would be back before tea to round things off nicely for the King.

Above we see Prince Rupert leading forward his Cavalry with his own and Prince Maurices units in the fore, orders Advance to HC (Hand to Hand Combat). No point messing about with Royalist Cavalry, get it forward and get it into contact.

The Royalist left started the same, Wilmots Cavalry, less in numbers and in quality started the escalation of walk, to trot, to canter, to gallop as they advanced on the Cavalry to their fore.

This photo looking down the table with the Royalists on the right, shows the early part of the Battle perfectly, you can see Wilmot to the fore, one move away from contact,  The Parliamentary Guns opening up as the Kings front line advances, and in the distance Ruperts headlong rush into that flank.

Wilmots and Fieldings front lines meet North of Brixfield Farm.

Whilst on the other flank Ruperts Cavalry charge home after their opponents chose to stand and fire, but under the pressure of the Gallopers charge they fired their pistols before the Cavaliers were in range. Also seen is Maurice and his Regt their opponents have trotted into contact.

Wilmots Horse have the upper hand, one Parliamentary unit routs after losing 50 % of its strength whilst the other is narrowly beaten and is pushed back.

Rupert and Maurice on the other hand break both units they fight and immediately pursue their beaten adversaries.

The front lines are much closer now and musketry ripples up and down the lines. In the centre a poor morale check on one of Fieldings Regiments of Foot, under fire from Roundhead Artillery causes that brigade to pause it's advance.

Most of the Royalists have a larger proportion of Pike to Shot than the Parliament so rather than try and beat the odds in a firefight the tactic is to close to Hand to Hand combat.

On the Royalist left the Cavalry battle has bogged down, the followers of the King have the advantage but some poor dice means it's no push over. Rupert and the boys however are off the table (hence no photo). Maurice found that the unit it broke stopped directly in front of the second line leaving the Parliament in a disorganised mass of two units which the young Prince just roads straight through.

Rupert had a slightly harder fight as their opponents in the second line stood to meet them, but stood vs Elite Gallopers is always going to be a loss. So 4 Regiments of Royalist Horse leave the table in pursuit, leaving only Lord Byron and his unit on the field.

The Battle along the front line is fierce with no clear advantage to either side, both armies have Raw units and the morale of these units can be brittle, above one of Meldrums Foot units routs from contact, similar scenes are happening on both sides up and down the line.

The King surveys the action protected by his Gentleman Pensioners.

In the centre Parliamentary firepower is keeping the Royalist troops at bay who are desperately trying to reorganize the lines to get moving forward again.

But Belasyses Foot Regiments are making better headway on the Royalist right looking to make contact the next turn.

A good view along the lines at the mid point of the Battle.

The infantry contest between Meldrum for Parliament and Wentworth for the King continues to ebb and flow.

A momentary set back in the centre for the Roundheads as a Raw unit in the front line gives way, but there are no dramas as Ballards Foot step up to take their place.

Things are going the Kings way on their right, after a cross of Pike the Royalists Infantry are victorious and rout their foe, but the sight of the retreating troops was too much for the last Royalist Cavalry unit on that flank who charged headlong into a Pursuit with a unit they hadn't even been in contact with., typical !

But the blunders weren't restricted to one side, a Raw unit belonging to Essex decided it would be a good idea to chase after a unit of Royalist Foot to it's fore as it routed, it ended in tears when they crashed into another Royalist unit, this second one was Trained and had an abundance of Pike. The Essex men routed back the way they came, lesson learned.

After plenty of drawn or narrowly won melees Wilmots Cavalry throw a double 1 for morale and they rout, leaving only 1 Royalist Cavalry unit left on the table.

Leading to one of the more amusing moment when the Parliamentary Cavalry literally trotted of in pursuit of the vanquished foe (who are travelling 6" a turn faster) safe to say that they gave up the chase pretty sharpish.

The empty right flank looked tempting to Stapleton and his Cuirass who started to move out from their position in the reserve.

Guess who just got back today ? Rupert and the boys are back in town !

Finally the Royalist centre got it's act together, the Kings Lifeguard of Foot had formed up, rallying the remnants of Fieldings units behind it and the rest of Bryon and Gerrards Foot alongside them, the drums sounded and the flags waved as the second line advanced towards Essex and his troops.

Pressure was also mounting on the Parliament left, another unit broke in melee, Maurice had returned with his Cavalry and the Firelocks and Dragoons from that flank were now in range of the Thistle Farm.

As night closed in the Royalist second line charged as one at Essex and Ballard.

One of the smaller Royalist units were repelled by the fire on the way in but all the other units hit home, Gerrards Foot above was about to win it's third melee of the day.

The Lifeguard also won it's melee and the whole of the Parliament left was being pushed back, at that point the Parliament called it a day.

The other flank was pretty much in stalemate, two units had fought each other twice to a stand still draw during the game. What tipped it's Parliaments way on that flank was the last unit of Royalist Cavalry deciding to chase after a shattered Roundhead unit (the one that pursued Wilmot). Fine idea but it left the whole of that flank under threat from Stapletons Cuirass who were now free to roam around unopposed. This forced the Royalist Foot behind Byron to form a defensive line 90 degrees to the main attack to protect against the threat of the Armoured Cavalry.

The Lord Generals Foot above hold the remnants of the Parliament lines. So the Kings Men have the day but fall short of a decisive victory much like the real battle. We had pretty much recreated history. The Parliamentary Cavalry of Fielding performed better than on the day but Rupert was unstoppable. The fighting was fierce and ended up, as on the day with the Royalist right pushing the Parliament back whilst falling back themselves on their left.

Many people asked about the fate of Sir Edmund Verney, Royalist Standard Bearer, those supporters of the King (like myself) will be glad to know that this Noble Gentleman survived the Battle, having charged with the Kings Lifeguard. He still retains both hands and is appearing in twice weekly piano recitals at Radway Church.

So thats the ECW collection away for a couple of years  ! Next up Italian Wars.