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Alex Peters

Domain Authority 50 for your website - Guaranteed Service

We`ll get your website to have Domain Authority 50 or we`ll refund you every

for only 150 usd, you`ll have DA50 for your website, guaranteed

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Alex Peters

Beach Fallacy

This month we celebrate our store's 15th anniversary. I am happy to report in year 15 I learned from failure. Failure means I'm still trying to innovate and change things up. This particular failure was one I recently realized while speaking with a friend who just sold his business. It comes down to this: The idea you can remotely manage your business with an installed manager is temporary at best. The 4-Hour Work Week may work for a turn key business, but most businesses are not even remotely turn key.

You may have a great manager, but they won't be there forever, and the process of getting a new one trained up, will be time consuming and not conducive to lying on a beach. So even if you have the skills to train them, how fast can they reasonably achieve mastery? In general, the concept of remote management for me has gone from something I might be able to do full time to something that may be possible half the time, that half determined by chaos in my business.

So I may be able to live in Mexico, for example, six months out of the year, a random six months at that, but I better have a place to stay when it all falls apart and I have to retrain staff for six months back home. The idea you can do this all remotely, living elsewhere, is a myth.

Here are the three areas that I see, that if I were a better owner or had magic powers, I would be able to solve to extend my six month theory. If you think you have skills in how to quickly train up candidates in these areas, this is where I would pay for a consultant:

  • Gross versus Net. A bad manager will spend your business into the ground with no apparent benefit. An alright manager will spend your money on long term investments that pay off later, but still leave you in the poor house right now, as they usually don't understand cash flow. A great manager will always spend cautiously and be conscious of the bottom line and the cash needs of the business.
I was not a "great manager" of cash until I had distributions from the net profit. I became incentivized to focus on net. Unless you can incentivize someone with bonuses for producing net profit, you'll always be watching your back (which you will always do regardless). Or you may train someone to be so overly cautious with your money, they take no chances at all.
  • Tight Employee Management. A good manager sets employee expectations via an accurate job description and solid training. The manager manages those expectations through the employees tenure by means of additional training and corrective action. Then they reward or penalize employee performance based on how those results are achieved. 
Most managers, most people, can't do this. They simply can't without some very good training, and even then it's not within most peoples personality range. I can tell you from the corporate world that most managers are untrained and awful. Training a manager to master this process will ensure you always have good people, but good luck finding someone skilled at this for what you can afford and good luck developing the skills in yourself when you've probably only had bad managers.
  • Inventory Accuracy. Does anyone other than you really care if your POS system is only 90% accurate? Inventory accuracy results in better buying practices, higher sales, lower taxes, and happier customers. Yet, it is very difficult to have a manager who cares about this accuracy as much as you. It is very much tied to net profit. If you find someone outraged at inaccuracy, and they have skill in the other two areas, find a way to groom that employee for manager. 

So those are the three areas that require an owner to be involved in a store on a near daily basis. This does not mean your store sucks if this is the case. In fact, there's no reason this should harm the value of your business if, say, you wanted to sell it. Someone with these three concerns will always need to have their hand on the wheel, but it's unlikely to be an employee for very long.


I'm back from a little holiday with another TOP 10 list! This time we're looking at the oft-maligned FMV adventure, complete with over-the-top acting and CD count! Not all of them deserve the bad reputation associated with the genre so I've collated some of the absolute best. Don't expect the revered likes of Gabriel Knight or The 7th Guest which are easily available to buy online. These are the forgotten gems that no-one seems to talk about anymore (if they ever did).

There's even a number of games not previously featured on the site (including QUANTUM GATE and THE CASSANDRA GALLERIES), so go check them out too!

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1500 google maps citations cheap

Rank the google maps top 5 for your money keywords, guaranteed

Str8 Creative


   These are some Reaper Bones figures I bought just because I like them. The paint jobs aren't really anything fancy, but they work.

Without Map Or Compass

In the original Legend of Zelda the Map and Compass are indispensable for surviving dungeons and reaching the boss. The map shows you the layout of the dungeon and the compass positions you in it.

In the pilgrimage of the Christian life, I think the map would be the teachings of Our Blessed Lord and saviour, preserved in the Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition of the Catholic Church that He founded- this constitutes the way to Eternal Life.

The compass I think would be the interior life, the daily life of prayer composed of mental prayer, examination of conscience and perhaps above all, the sacrament of confession. Through these powerful means we can discern where we are headed, how we stand with regards to that map, whether we are near the end of the dungeon, close to completing it, or perhaps down a dead end.

How tragic for the worldlings and for the followers of false religions, they have neither map nor compass- where will they end up? They can send Link a thousand times round the dungeon but without map or compass they have little chance of coming out alive.

Praise be Our God and Saviour Jesus Christ for providing us with the Map and Compass in His One True Church.

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We`ll get your website to have Domain Authority 50 or we`ll refund you every

for only 150 usd, you`ll have DA50 for your website, guaranteed

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Alex Peters

Anachronox (PC)

Anachronox logo
Developer:Ion Storm|Release Date:2001|Systems:Windows

Deus Ex-style spinning logo!

This week on Super Adventures, it's Ion Storm's fourth game (of six), Anachronox! It was supposed to come out much earlier than that, but then that was true of everything Ion Storm's Dallas studio worked on. Dominion: Storm over Gift 3 was supposed to be released in 1997 and came out a year later in 98, Daikatana was also supposed to hit shelves in 97 and was eventually finished three years later in 2000, and Anachronox was planned for 1998 and was finally released in 2001. It's not really a mystery why the Dallas studio was closed down the month after Anachronox's release, as even if the games had sold well (they hadn't) they must have been way way over budget.

The company's second studio in Austin had a lot more success with the legendary Deus Ex, and survived a few years longer to produce the considerably less legendary Deus Ex: Invisible War and a third Thief game, Deadly Shadows. Which means that during its life Ion Storm released Dominion, Daikatana, Deus Ex, Deus Ex 2, Deadly Shadows... and Anachronox. One of these titles doesn't match the pattern. They should've called this Danachronox, or Daikatanachronox.

Ion Storm was formed by John Romero and Tom Hall, who had both gotten pushed out of id Software due to creative differences. I haven't read Masters of Doom, but it seems like they wanted to be creative, while John Carmack wanted to get games finished. In fact Hall was technically lead designer on Doom, but the character-driven story he'd come up with was thrown out, because who even needs story in video games? To be fair, Doom did just fine without it, but Anachronox was Hall's project, and this time no one was going to stop him putting in all the story and characters and space adventure he wanted.

Hopefully that'll turn out to be a good thing.

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Learning Web Pentesting With DVWA Part 6: File Inclusion

In this article we are going to go through File Inclusion Vulnerability. Wikipedia defines File Inclusion Vulnerability as: "A file inclusion vulnerability is a type of web vulnerability that is most commonly found to affect web applications that rely on a scripting run time. This issue is caused when an application builds a path to executable code using an attacker-controlled variable in a way that allows the attacker to control which file is executed at run time. A file include vulnerability is distinct from a generic directory traversal attack, in that directory traversal is a way of gaining unauthorized file system access, and a file inclusion vulnerability subverts how an application loads code for execution. Successful exploitation of a file inclusion vulnerability will result in remote code execution on the web server that runs the affected web application."
There are two types of File Inclusion Vulnerabilities, LFI (Local File Inclusion) and RFI (Remote File Inclusion). Offensive Security's Metasploit Unleashed guide describes LFI and RFI as:
"LFI vulnerabilities allow an attacker to read (and sometimes execute) files on the victim machine. This can be very dangerous because if the web server is misconfigured and running with high privileges, the attacker may gain access to sensitive information. If the attacker is able to place code on the web server through other means, then they may be able to execute arbitrary commands.
RFI vulnerabilities are easier to exploit but less common. Instead of accessing a file on the local machine, the attacker is able to execute code hosted on their own machine."
In simpler terms LFI allows us to use the web application's execution engine (say php) to execute local files on the web server and RFI allows us to execute remote files, within the context of the target web server, which can be hosted anywhere remotely (given they can be accessed from the network on which web server is running).
To follow along, click on the File Inclusion navigation link of DVWA, you should see a page like this:
Lets start by doing an LFI attack on the web application.
Looking at the URL of the web application we can see a parameter named page which is used to load different php pages on the website.
Since it is loading different pages we can guess that it is loading local pages from the server and executing them. Lets try to get the famous /etc/passwd file found on every linux, to do that we have to find a way to access it via our LFI. We will start with this:
entering the above payload in the page parameter of the URL:
we get nothing back which means the page does not exist. Lets try to understand what we are trying to accomplish. We are asking for a file named passwd in a directory named etc which is one directory up from our current working directory. The etc directory lies at the root (/) of a linux file system. We tried to guess that we are in a directory (say www) which also lies at the root of the file system, that's why we tried to go up by one directory and then move to the etc directory which contains the passwd file. Our next guess will be that maybe we are two directories deeper, so we modify our payload to be like this:
we get nothing back. We continue to modify our payload thinking we are one more directory deeper.
no luck again, lets try one more:
nop nothing, we keep on going one directory deeper until we get seven directories deep and our payload becomes:
which returns the contents of passwd file as seen below:
This just means that we are currently working in a directory which is seven levels deep inside the root (/) directory. It also proves that our LFI is a success. We can also use php filters to get more and more information from the server. For example if we want to get the source code of the web server we can use php wrapper filter for that like this:
We will get a base64 encoded string. Lets copy that base64 encoded string in a file and save it as index.php.b64 (name can be anything) and then decode it like this:
cat index.php.b64 | base64 -d > index.php
We will now be able to read the web application's source code. But you maybe thinking why didn't we simply try to get index.php file without using php filter. The reason is because if we try to get a php file with LFI, the php file will be executed by the php interpreter rather than displayed as a text file. As a workaround we first encode it as base64 which the interpreter won't interpret since it is not php and thus will display the text. Next we will try to get a shell. Before php version 5.2, allow_url_include setting was enabled by default however after version 5.2 it was disabled by default. Since the version of php on which our dvwa app is running on is 5.2+ we cannot use the older methods like input wrapper or RFI to get shell on dvwa unless we change the default settings (which I won't). We will use the file upload functionality to get shell. We will upload a reverse shell using the file upload functionality and then access that uploaded reverse shell via LFI.
Lets upload our reverse shell via File Upload functionality and then set up our netcat listener to listen for a connection coming from the server.
nc -lvnp 9999
Then using our LFI we will execute the uploaded reverse shell by accessing it using this url:
Voila! We have a shell.
To learn more about File Upload Vulnerability and the reverse shell we have used here read Learning Web Pentesting With DVWA Part 5: Using File Upload to Get Shell. Attackers usually chain multiple vulnerabilities to get as much access as they can. This is a simple example of how multiple vulnerabilities (Unrestricted File Upload + LFI) can be used to scale up attacks. If you are interested in learning more about php wrappers then LFI CheetSheet is a good read and if you want to perform these attacks on the dvwa, then you'll have to enable allow_url_include setting by logging in to the dvwa server. That's it for today have fun.
Leave your questions and queries in the comments below.


  2. php://:
  3. LFI Cheat Sheet:
  4. File inclusion vulnerability:
  5. PHP 5.2.0 Release Announcement:

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Top 5 Most Useful Linux Tools For Programmers

Top 5 most useful linux tools for Programmer

Linux is a free and open-source software operating systems built around the Linux kernel. It typically packaged in a form known as a Linux distribution for both desktop and server use. It is a great development environment for programmers and developers. However, without the development tools, that would be impossible. Fortunately, plenty of Linux tools are available. Here are the top 5 most useful Linux tools for programmers.

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5 Most Useful Linux tools for Programmers

1. VIM

vim editor-compressed
VIM is a free and open source software written by Bram Moolenaar in 1991. It is designed for use both from a command-line interface and as a standalone application in a graphical user interface. It comes standard with almost every Linux distribution and is also known as "the programmer's editor". VIM is great for coding and can also be used for editing things like configuration files and XML documents.
Vim has been developed to be a cross-platform that supports many other platforms. In 2006, it was voted as the most popular editor amongst Linux Journal readers. In 2015, Stack Overflow developer survey found it to be the third most popular text editor while in 2016, the Stack Overflow developer survey found it to be the fourth most popular development environment.
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2. Zsh

Zsh is written in C and initially released in 1990. It is a Unix shell that can be used as an interactive login shell and as a powerful command interpreter for shell scripting. Zsh is an extended version of Bourne shell (BASH) with a large number of improvements, including some features of Bash, ksh, and tcsh. Zsh gives a user-friendly experience on the command line. It also gives better auto-completion, Vim key bindings, and smart guesses when you write a command wrong.
Its features include (but not limited to):
  • Programmable command-line completion,
  • Sharing of command history among all running shells
  • Extended file globbing
  • Improved variable/array handling
  • Editing of multi-line commands in a single buffer
  • Spelling correction
  • Various compatibility modes,
  • Themeable prompts, and
  • Loadable modules.

3. Byobu

It was initially released in 2009 written in Sh and Python. Byobu can be used to provide on-screen notification or status and tabbed multi-window management. Thus, it is intended to improve terminal sessions when users connect to remote servers with an operating system Linux and Unix-like. It is is an enhancement for the GNU Screen terminal multiplexer or tmux used with the GNU/Linux computer operating system.

4. GIT

git commandsGit was initially released on April 7, 2005. It is a version control system to track changes in computer files and to coordinate work on those files among multiple people. It is primarily used for source code management in software development and can be used to keep track of changes in any set of files available in the English language. It is aimed at speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows. It is free and open source software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
Moreover, Linus Torvalds was the creator of GIT for the development of the Linux kernel. On the other hand, its current maintainer since then is Junio Hamano. Thus, every Git directory on every computer is a full-fledged repository with complete history and full version tracking abilities, independent of network access or a central server.

5. Docker

Written by Solomon Hykes in 2013, it is a computer program that performs operating-system-level virtualization, the containerization, which is developed by Docker, Inc. Primarily, Docker was developed for Linux to use as the resource isolation features of the Linux kernel. It is a tool that can package an application and its dependencies in a virtual container that can run on any Linux server. This helps enable the flexibility and portability on where the application can run, whether on premises, public cloud, private cloud, bare metal, etc.  Moreover, it accesses the Linux kernel's virtualization features either directly using the libcontainer library.
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